“Mindful Autumn”(06.10.24 – 24.11.24) Stress reduction through a mindful autumn – free and easy on your phone!

Start your “MIndful Autumn” now! Some of my clients tell me again and again how stressed they feel in their everyday lives. Many see no way out of the hamster wheel and have lost access to themselves over time due to the daily challenges. Physical complaints, depressive moods, irritability and no goals in life are often the result and also the reason why my clients come to me for personal advice.

In addition to exploring the stress triggers, the underlying thought patterns and developing a personal solution, I always use mindfulness methods in my coaching sessions. Mindfulness is the key to getting back in touch with your own body and your own goals. Mindfulness helps you to get to the bottom of stress and gradually reduce it. And the good thing is that anyone can learn and practise mindfulness. You don’t need any special skills, training or environment. All you need is courage, a willingness to try something new and the ability to practise. Because mindfulness doesn’t come naturally, and not overnight. It has to be practiced and this requires patience and a certain amount of self-discipline.   I know from my own experience that it is by no means easy to fit time for mindfulness training into an already busy schedule. But just one coaching session a week where we practise mindfulness has an immense impact. But daily practice is even more effective.

  And that’s exactly why I decided to do it, to offer a free 2-month accompaniment. In my WhatsApp group “Mindful Autumn” you will receive a mindfulness exercise from me every Sunday from Sunday, October 5th to Sunday, November 24th. You can do these for a week and share your experiences in the group or in person if you like. The exercises are a maximum of 15 minutes long and you can do them at any time of the day or night, depending on what fits into your daily routine. You don’t need any previous experience, yoga experience or a specific tool. Just you and a maximum of 15 minutes a week!   Die Übungen beinhalten alle 4 Aspekte der Achtsamkeit: Achtsames Wahrnehmen des Körpers und des Atems (1), der Gefühle und Empfindungen (2), der Gedanken und des Bewusstseins (3), der sich verändernden Natur und der Dinge um uns herum (4). Möchtest du deinen Stress reduzieren? Möchtest du deine Verbindung zu deinem Körper und deinen Emotionen verbessern? Wünscht du dir Inspiration und Unterstützung im Rahmen einer 2-monatigen Begleitung? Möchtest du Achtsamkeit kennen lernen und praktizieren lernen?   Dann trete gleich hier der Gruppe Mindful Autumn bei. Am Sonntag, den 05. Oktober bekommst du direkt die erste Übung von mir.   Ich wünsche dir ganz viele bewusste Momente und einen wundervollen Herbst!